
Riegetop Digital Shop | About

Hello & Welcome!

I’m Jennifer, the designer behind Ridgetop Digital Shop. I’m a wife, mom, craft-enthusiast, gardener, farmer, blogger, and runner. I enjoy all things Disney & Harry Potter. I’m a Pacific Northwest girl, but have a passion for traveling. Since I can remember, I have loved taking photos. Combine that with my background in graphic design and the joy I get out of hosting a fun party – voilà: photo booth props is my dream business.

For awhile I home schooled our children. They are now happy public school students, which has left me with a little more free time. We also own a small farm. I’ve been keeping busy during my newly found free time tackling farm and outdoor projects. Also, I’ve been able to get back to graphic design. *swoon* I didn’t know how much I missed it until I began making it a priority.

I am the person who is always taking photos – whether it’s on vacation, birds that catch my eye, or my kids playing. While I certainly appreciate formal pics, I love photos that show the spontaneous moments. Photo props tend to keep things casual and add fun to a special event.

My hope is that with the ease of downloadable props we can remember to relax and enjoy the silly, yet precious, time with family and friends.



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